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Leveling at the poker table adds a psychological aspect when you play poker. Multiple level thinking, in turn, helps you think beyond your own cards. Read on to learn more about this concept, including the rock paper scissors example.
Concept behind the Theory of Poker
For those who have played poker before, you will notice some players tend to be more reserved and will have a strategy in place. However, there will be other players who might try and win at all costs, whether that be through bluffing or trying to manipulate the board and pounce on any mistakes that are made.
However, a solid knowledge of poker can be obtained through level thinking. Indeed, there are several different levels in poker, which as you will see, starts at the bottom for the poker player who is apathetic about their own cards. Let’s assess each one in order
Level 0
There is no strategy in place when it comes to Level 0. Poker players at Level 0 won’t even be thinking about their cards or how it relates to the entire stack on poker tables.
Level 1
This is the first real rung of the multiple level thinking ladder, and there is a distinct difference between players at this level and at Level 0. Players in a game of poker will start to think about the strength of their own hand.
Level 2
At this stage, you will look at the particular hand of your opponent, and see how this relates to board textures.
Level 3
The thought process sees you place more emphasis on strategy. A thinking player will question what the opponent thinks about the cards they hold, and they will be a bit more aware.
Level 4
The thought process takes on new strands here. Many players in this category will begin to try and outsmart their opponent by over-inflating the value of their hands.
Level 5
The point here is that certain player types won’t just be considering strong hands, they will be at a much higher level when it comes to approaches they adopt at the table.
Level 6+
These players of course will be able to operate at the most advanced level, and you can’t give them too much credit, because they will typically be winning players in soft games and will extract money from many pots.
What is the role of psychology in leveling?
Psychology isn’t given too much credit in a poker game, but in many respects, it should be an underlying influence when it comes to being able to adopt a good strategy and out think players.
David Sklansky, who earned over $1 million during his career, is an important guy in poker history as he published the book The Theory on Poker. This book tried to apply and figure out different concepts that commonly pop up in poker, and he inculcated levels of thinking within the game. He is a key figure in poker, and he has written more than a dozen books on how to play the game.
The book assessed all facets of poker from folding, to how to raise, as well as bluffing. Many players will now tell you that reading this book helped them with winning more games, and it made them more aware with plays from the flop through to the river and the street.
Perhaps psychology needs to be given a greater role in poker, as it underlines the way a player thinks, and it is great for those who are interested in the leveling process, and progressing from Level 1.
Why is levelling important in poker?
While we have suggested that to move up a level higher, what is fundamentally important for the most part when you play poker, is that you start to learn new techniques to improve your chances of winning.
After all, if you can capitalise on a mistake that your opponent has made on the board and outsmart them, then you can start to expect more success.
You should never assume when betting from the flop to the river, but if you have played to win by thinking laterally, then you will end up being a better player in the long term. You will also be harder to beat in the longer term when you move through the leveling stages.
Benefits of Leveling in Poker
To level ahead and leveling in poker, in general, comes with many benefits. We have highlighted a few of them below.
Manage your bankroll effectively
If you are of a higher skill level, you will be able to manage your bankroll properly as and when you play a game. You will know when to go all in if you have a big hand, and you will know when to act at the right time.
You always need to know that at various levels, the stakes get higher, and you will be better placed to know when and when not to raise.
You can control your emotions better
Whether you move up one level or two levels, you will be able to control your emotions. Those that can’t will be stuck at one level for a long time and their game will stagnate.
To change levels, you must be able to play with dexterity as well as have proper mental control or tilt control during a game. More will be expected of you compared to a player at the opposite level spectrum.
Can gain bigger winnings
A winning player who has moved through the levels will be able to gain a strong hand at the table compared to their opponents. They will also gain more money in the long term from the pot.
Create an even playing field
By playing at a certain level, it is designed to make things a more level playing field when sat around the table, so there will only be marginal holdings.
Cons of Leveling in Poker
However, leveling also has a few drawbacks associated with this process, and we have highlighted them below.
You don’t realise how good you are
The thinking process here is that you might win more from the pot as you don’t realise how good you are, and you think should be playing at a higher level than you are. It is a common mistake to make.
Too smart for your own good
While you may have won more at one level, this can see the best players lose focus, and they can be complacent when betting. If you are operating at a level higher, you should expect a stronger pedigree of opponent, so you should treat them with respect.
Example of Leveling in Poker
A common example or hand example of leveling while playing poker may be when you bluff to take advantage of a scary card to improve your own range rather than say two others players sitting at the table.
By using the bluff, you may force your opponents to fold much earlier than you previously thought.
What is the difference between leveling and bluffing?
Simply put, leveling in poker is where you think about the range of cards you are holding. You think about this more from Level 1 onwards.
In contrast, the bluff goes much deeper. When you bluff your opponents, you are applying a certain strategy to get them to fold even if you are holding a weaker hand.
How Leveling Can Go Wrong?
Leveling deserves a lot of credit, but there are a variety of ways it can go wrong.
For some players, they can play and lose their entire stack of chips when making continuation bets, and this can lead them to question future decisions when playing.
Also, if you don’t level correctly, then you can make yourself vulnerable to the bluff and fold much earlier than you would have hoped.
What are some common leveling strategies?
One of the most common strategies is spiral leveling, which can also be used to explain how rock paper scissors work.
It creates an interesting dynamic as some players will see certain value with particular cards, and it works well for plays above Level 1.
Here, you will start to question the next move with certain plays, and you will be able to beat players when you cover a particular range.
How do players use leveling in poker to gain an edge?
By leveling, players will be looking to try and gain an edge, and it can be achieved in the following ways:
- Leveling wars – You may be one of those types when playing poker that likes to engage in leveling wars with other opponents. Your opponents will be running scared, and they will think twice about making a bluff against you.
- Pure value range – There will be some who play who will bring out leveling tactics when making a continuation bet, and they can use this to adjust the thinking of their opponents.
How can you tell if an opponent is trying to level you?
Those opponents who play by leveling will be doing so with the thinking that they will have a strong hand and they won’t be afraid to go all in when the opportunity presents itself. They will be happy to engage in leveling combat against Level 1 players, and they will be prepared to take things to a showdown.
What are some common mistakes players make when trying to level their opponents?
There are many things to consider when leveling and the thinking behind it, but it is very easy for things to go pear-shaped as described below.
- Players not balancing out their ranges – In softer games, you can play and try to exploit the range of your opponent. However, when it comes to other regs, you need to think more laterally, otherwise, you can find yourself rather vulnerable with a bet you have placed.
- Doing it against the wrong players – While you might have some joy against a Level 1 player, if you try and place a bet and do the same against a player that is say Level 3 or better, then you will be found wanting. Leveling is about time and execution, and if you don’t do it properly, you will hand the initiative to the other player.
- Being over eager – The concept behind leveling is that it is a measured tactic, and you will do it after careful consideration of the entire board before chucking chips into the centre. If you are a few rungs above Level 1, then you should go for leveling when you bet, but you should use it sparingly to surprise your opponent.
How to avoid leveling in cash game poker?
Leveling can sometimes be a good strategy to use, but there are ways you can avoid it to prevent leveling wars in the future.
- Analyse the play – Any play based on leveling is something that won’t be undertaken lightly. It does no harm to figure out what your opponent is resorting to, so you don’t fall foul in the future during the following rounds at the table.
- Don’t do it against good players – Ideally, if you are a novice or only played a few hands, you should try and stick to leveling against those who are of a similar ability. More experienced players will see a move you are trying to make from a mile off, therefore, you can be easily picked off. Also, you will probably want to spare yourself the embarrassment in the long term.
Should I Be Leveling in Poker?
There is of course value in leveling, but you need to have an innate understanding of the rules of the game to fully reap the rewards in the long term. Leveling will be suited for those players who are deep thinkers and truly care about advancing and taking their game to new heights.
It is something that shouldn’t be undertaken lightly. We hope this guide has proved useful in terms of shining a light on leveling, and it has inspired you. If you want to learn more, then you should play games in demo mode before playing for real money.