The cap in online poker is very interesting as players will tend to be more aggressive during a game. It is also one of the more common poker terms that you will encounter. In this guide, we will run through the limits of capped poker and explain some of the rules. We will also provide some useful strategies, so you can maximise your playing time during betting rounds.
Although you might think there are only two meanings associated with the cap, the cap actually has a number of meanings. Arguably, the cap in online poker is quite rare, as they don’t generate a large amount of traffic.
The cap is the limit that will be placed on the number of raises in poker games. Typically, players won’t be able to make more than three or four raises per game.
A cap here would see wagers that have upper limits which can be bet or raised at once.
The cap will have a maximum buy-in for a cash game. Whereas, an “uncapped” game would not have a specified limit and this would also allow players to raise more with one bet.
A player might decide to place a token or chip on top of his or her hole cards, or the dealer might decide to place a chip atop the rest of the undealt cards as a form of protection.
Capped ranges will occur when a player takes a line that precludes certain strong holdings from being in his range. A good example of this in a poker game would be if a player smooth calls in a spot where he’d likely make raises if he held a premium.
But how does capped poker work? Well, you may well see capped sections in online poker rooms marked with a “C” in the Limit column. These will be limit games, as all players will have a stack limited to 30 big blinds. You can join and the limit may well vary from say 25p to £50, but take note, that at a £10 blind table, the betting limit will be £300 (30 big blinds). The cap, therefore, allows poker players to try out a more expensive game without affecting their bankroll. You can imagine that a player might have a predilection to be more bullish when betting here.
There are a few ways to spot capped ranges in online poker rooms. Firstly, you may notice that a competent opponent will call a small c-bet out of position on the flop. They may also check when behind as the pre-flop raiser on the flop. However, those who are playing who are much weaker, will be more inclined to be more uncomfortable with their raises and may call strange hands.
Whether you are a novice or a more experienced player, the following strategies should help you when you place a bet in poker games. If anything, making these adjustments will help you feel more comfortable whether you are playing at a casino or online:
- Don’t play small pairs hands-up in raised pots – With raised pots, small pocket pairs aren’t profitable when playing for a certain value. As you will flop a set one in eight times in games, you won’t have the implied odds to hit your set. Instead, a large re-raise in a round can help you when you are dealt cards by the dealer.
- Be assertive with a reasonable draw – While it may be more natural for a player to be more aggressive in some games than others, you should look to take charge in the middle of a round, so if you understand your potential fold equity. Wherever possible, look to play a draw fast in games.
- Avoid using suited connectors in pots with raises – This concept is broadly the same as steering clear of the small pocket pairs. To play suited connectors well at a casino, you need to make you have deep stacks for a round. You may decide to limp in, however, but you shouldn’t play a smaller suited connectors heads-up, especially in a raised pot. Always take time to assess what you have been dealt with before making your next move.
The cap is one of those fascinating poker terms that perhaps is more appreciated by seasoned players. Nevertheless, it is one of those multi-faceted ideas that has more than two meanings. Sometimes, players will be more aggressive with one bet than others, however, we hope this guide has clearly illustrated how you can make the most from capped games, so have a go today!